Articles for parents, English, Maths

The Kumon triangle - student, parent, Instructor

26 February 2024

At Kumon, we work in partnership with parents and students, and strongly believe that this is the key to each child achieving their full potential. Working closely together, our Kumon parents, students and Instructors form the 'Kumon triangle', with the student's learning at the heart of the work we do.

As Kumon is a daily study programme, with students completing work at home each day and visiting the study centre up to twice a week, it is vital that the parent is closely involved in the studying process at home. A Kumon parent will not only motivate their child but also ensure corrections are done regularly, enabling students to learn rapidly.

Often simple engagement between a Kumon parent and child that ensures the child is able to maximise their at home learning.

Throughout a Kumon student's journey their Instructor will set them work at the right volume and level of study to maximise their progress. At the centre the Instructor will:

  • observe the child working, paying attention to the development of their study skills, how they tackle new work, their ability to self-correct and their growing maths and English proficiency
  • give feedback and guidance based on these observations to help build the child's academic and self-learning skills
  • set medium-term and long-term goals in consultation with the child, making a study projection to achieve these.

At home, it is the role of the parents to encourage the child to stay on track and pursue their goals. A Kumon parent should:

  • remain positive and show their child they are there to support their learning for the long term
  • create a quiet environment for the child to work in, enabling them to give their full attention to the worksheets and complete their work more efficiently and effectively
  • encourage the development of a daily study habit
  • mark their child's worksheets every day, promptly after the worksheets have been completed and allowing time for the child to complete, and learn from, their corrections
  • give praise for improvement, effort and the development of their child's skills and attitude to study
  • maintain ongoing dialogue with the Instructor, and inform them of anything that might impact their child's studies, to aid in the setting of work.

It is a common goal for both Kumon Instructor and parent to ultimately entrust the child with full responsibility for their own learning. As a Kumon student progresses through their Kumon journey, they will increasingly take charge of their own learning, as they become an independent learner.

Through all stages of the Kumon journey, this three-way partnership is key to ensuring the student's potential is discovered and their ability is developed to the maximum.