English, Articles for parents, Maths

Seven reasons we love KUMON CONNECT for studying maths and English

19 January 2024

KUMON CONNECT is our popular new service, developed to make our tried and tested worksheets even more accessible and convenient. Using the same methodology as Kumon’s traditional worksheets, students can now study using their tablet and a stylus, opening up a host of wonderful new ways Kumon supports and accelerates our students’ development.

Available for the maths programme and currently the English programme to level CII, here’s our seven favourite things about KUMON CONNECT and how using it could benefit your child:

Parents are connected too

Track your child’s daily work using the on-screen calendar, along with their completion times, levels and scores too. This function lets you keep an eye on their daily progress as they learn and progress.

Instils good study routines

When using KUMON CONNECT, your child’s study is automatically timed to encourage good focus, working at pace and greater fluency in mental arithmetic. Writing and oral reading activities are timed too, recording incremental improvements and comprehension. Students collect stars for each day they study, doubling up if they do both maths and English so there’s an extra incentive for daily study.

Everything in one place

Both the maths and English programmes are quickly accessed from the home page, making regular study easier and cutting out any delays from sorting through paper worksheets. Using a tablet and stylus means students are able to start studying right away, making everything faster, neater and more efficient.

Professional marking

Kumon’s professional markers can accurately mark all your child’s homework to our global standards. They’ll help point out corrections and, if necessary, any missed work or areas of concern for your Instructor to monitor.

Corrections made easy

Marked work will highlight and present any incorrect answers first, giving your child the opportunity to amend and learn from their mistakes before completing their next set of work.

Improved Instructor connection

With KUMON CONNECT, there’s no need for your child to ever get behind with their study again – Instructors can keep an eye on students’ completed study, even replaying the techniques and methods that they used. If necessary, the assigned worksheets and study plan can be adjusted even when you’re away or not able to attend class in person.

A continued focus on handwriting development

KUMON CONNECT has specifically been designed around maintaining your child’s writing and pencil-control skills. There are no multiple-choice boxes to tap - using the stylus, your child can write directly onto the screen, allowing them to practice handwriting and fine-motor skills.

KUMON CONNECT is now available at many Kumon centres, so talk to your local Instructor for more information and see if it will be suitable for your child. Check your device compatibility and click here to find a centre near you.