Articles for parents, Community news

Motivation for the year ahead

12 January 2024

As much fun as the festive period was, life and our routines will have now returned to a comforting normalcy - even as we try to keep our New Year's resolutions!

January is an important month for children as they are adjusting to being back at school, with the excitement of the last few weeks is still fresh in their minds. It is important that they focus on the months ahead and remain motivated - here are a few tips to help keep their focus in the right direction:

Get their buy in: it's not enough to hammer the point that children need to do well in school - they'll have heard that before. What they need to understand is why it is important: give them real-life examples of where success in a particular subject could take them, and what their life might look like with that success.

Have an open door policy: your child knows you want what is best for them, and that you want to push them to do well but don't make them feel they can't express any difficulties they are having. Trying to motivate them through threats, punishments and open frustration can be very detrimental and an apparent lack of motivation may not come from a lack of will. If they are struggling to keep up, or don't understand their teacher or are having other difficulties affecting their success-rate, they need to feel they can express them without receiving an emotional reaction. Knowing you are on their side and are there to offer help and support will make it easier for them to strive for better, but also admit when they need extra help.

Let them reap the rewards: rather than taking away TV time or computer games when they don't do their homework or get a disappointing result in a test, try rewarding them for good behaviour. For the younger children this might be a sticker on the fridge or extra time at the park at the weekend, and for older children more simply "Yes you can go to Sarah's house, once you've finished your maths homework," or "Why don't we watch that film you've wanted to see, once you've worked on your history project for an hour." Find out what works best as a motivator and build your rewards around that.

Build study time into their daily routine: at Kumon we ask our students to study their worksheets for around 30 minutes every day as, aside from helping our students learn more efficiently, we know creating this routine makes learning a natural and expected part of their day. Create a time every day where your child is expected to sit down and do some work. It could be further reading if they don't have any homework, or revising what they've learned that day. Once this is ingrained in their day it will seem far less of a chore.

Create a homework spot: establishing an environment conducive to study is as important as establishing a routine. Create a space which is quiet, with a desk they can sit at comfortably, perhaps away from siblings. Somewhere with good lighting which is free of distractions.

Listen to his/her unspoken cues: sometimes a lack of motivation comes from anxiety. If something seems impossible or insurmountable to them, they may simply try to avoid it. In these instances it is important to be kind and understanding, recognise their genuine anxiety, but be firm that they cannot shy away from the issue. Work with them on an action plan to get them back on track.

As with anything in life, success lies is finding a balance. School work is incredibly important, but so is spending time with friends, playing sport, and nurturing a hobby. Let's make 2024 a year of success in all these areas!