Articles for parents

Concentrating at school

27 April 2024

Being able to concentrate and focus for sustained periods is a skill that children will need to develop in order to make the most of their education.

School days can last for six hours or more, depending on the school year that children are in and the individual timetable of their school.

There are several things that parents can do to improve their children's concentration during the school day, which should have the added benefit of improving their overall focus.

Start the day with a good breakfast
Before children set off for school, make sure they had a filling breakfast based on foods that slowly release energy slowly over time. This has been proven to help children stay alert throughout the school day.

In fact, a review by researchers at King's College London found that having a bowl of cereal at the start of the day helps to reduce a decline in performance later in the day by more than 50%.

Dr Katrina Campbell, one of the researchers, said: "Consuming breakfast cereal reduced the deficit to attention and, for some aspects of memory, prevents the deficit altogether."

Putting the right resources in place
Ensuring children have the right equipment, text books and other resources to complement their studies can help to ensure they have fewer reasons to be distracted from their work. This could include anything from mathematics equipment to dictionaries and exercise books, though some of these resources may already be in place in your child's school.

Staying hydrated
Many schools allow children to bring in bottles of water to drink throughout the day as water has been shown to improve general levels of concentration. According to Education Scotland, drinking water in school and staying hydrated is the key to boosting learning capacity. When we are thirsty, mental performance deteriorates by around 10%. Students are also able to concentrate better because they are not distracted by the symptoms of dehydration such as thirst, tiredness and irritability. This can even aid behaviour management by helping to settle pupils in the classroom.